Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What is a social construct? Simply, it is an idea that is taught and engraved into our minds to the point were we think that it is fact. We typically dont question it, because it is seen as being normal. That is, untill something or someone opens our eyes.

I'm gonna start with probably the easiest social construct to understand: body image and beauty. Throughout history and cultures, the definition of human beauty has changed. Once, the more plump you were the more beautiful you were considered because it ment that you had money to eat well. Skinny people were considered to be ugly. In china it was considered beautiful to bind your feet to the point that they were so small that you couldn't walk. Or in the victorian times when woman would pass out to bind their body to have a small waist. 


Now, in this day and age beauty is being fatless, hairless, blemish-free and basically "model" material. We are encouraged to change our bodies to fit what is "beautiful". We shave, pluck, wax, laser, dye, paint, cover, inject, diet, pop pills, have surgery just to get ourself to be what society tells us is beautiful. And thats what they problem is. SOCIETY is the one that is telling us what is and isn't beautiful. And its telling us everyday, all the time. Hair dye companies tell us to get rid of our grey hairs. Wax, laser and razor companies tell us to "be smooth!". Plastic surgeons tell us to "finally get rid of that one thing you hate!". Diet companies tell us to "get your old body back". Cosmetics are begging us to get rid of those wrinkles! You get the point. Companies WANT you to feel bad about yourself so that you will buy their products! They dont care about you, they just care about the money. They would have you hating yourself until the end if they had their way. And if its not one thing, its the next. In this world, you will ALWAYS find something "wrong" with the way you look. If it isn't your hair, its your weight, or your nose, or your thighs. If we continue to live in this social construct of "beauty", we will never be happy with ourselfs. Even those models who are seen as the faces and bodies of beauty have something they hate about themselves. NOBODY is EVER good enough for this idea of beauty.


The only way we will truly love ourselves is when we deconstruct THIS social construct in our lives and in our minds. Realize that you ARE good enough.

The Doctor once said to one little girl, Merry Galel, who felt worthless.
"All the elements in your body were forged many many millions of years ago in the heart of a faraway star that exploded and died. That explosion scattered those elements across the desolations of deep space. After so, so many millions of years, these elements came together to form new stars and new planets. And on and on it went. The elements came together and burst apart, forming shoes and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings. Until, eventually, they came together to make you. You are unique in the universe. There is only one Merry Galel."

I dont know what else is more beautiful than that. There is only ONE you. You are beautiful just the way the universe made you. We hate to see our forests destroyed and our lakes dried up and our blued skys filled with pollution. WE are nature too. The universe created us too. So why change it? Why destroy the beauty that is us? The only answer I have to those questions is this: We change and destroy it because other people tell us to. We change and destroy it to "fit" into the social construct of beauty, which IS NOT feasible. And that sure as hell isn't a good enough reason.


Heres something Body Positive! Go check it out! http://realbeautysketches.dove.us/

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